Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 2

Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Bab 2

Chapter 2 : Why Don’t You Visit Seattle?

If Clause

On this chapter, we are going to learn about If Clause.

(Pada bab ini kita akan mempelajari tentang If Clause)

What is If clause?

(Apa itu if clause?)

If clause is one of clause that used to form a conditional sentence.

(If clause adalah salah satu klausa yang digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence)

From the name “if” we can conclude it’s mean something that not yet happened or probably impossible to happen.

(Dari namanya “if” kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa digunakan untuk menunuukan sesuatu yang belum terjadi atau mungkin saja tidak mungkin akan terjadi)

As we know before, if clause used to form a conditional sentence, so the structure will be:

(Seperti yang kita ketahui, if clause digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence, jadi struktur kalimatnya adalah: )

If clause + Main Clause orMain clause, If clause


Type of If Clause

There are three type of If Clause:

(Terdapat tiga tipe dari If Clause: )

  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • Type 3

We are going to learn the differences each of them, let’s start!

(Kita akan mempelajari perbedaan setiap dari tipe tersebut, mari mulai!)

If Clause Type 1

We can use type 1 to show condition that probably happened right now or in future.

(Kita dapat menggunakan tipe 1 untuk menunjukan suatu kondisi yang mungkin dapat terjadi masa kini ataupun masa depan)

If Clause Type 1 Formula

There is formula to construct if clause type 1, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause type 1 adalah: )

If + Simple Present, + Simple FutureorSimple Future + if + simple present

If clause must be in simple present form and main clause must be in simple future form.

(If clause harus dalam bentuk simple present dan klausa utama harus dalam bentuk simple future)

Example of If Clause Type 1

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you not study now, you will get a bad score.
  • If my mom know the exam scores, she will angry to me.
  • I will become a President if I study serious now.

If Clause Type 2

We can use type 2 to show condition that possible to be happened in the past, but actually not happened in current moment.

(Kita dapat menggunakan tipe 2 untuk menunjukan suatu kondisi yang mungkin dapat terjadi di masa lampau namun kenyataannya tidak terjadi di masa kini)

If Clause Type 2 Formula

There is formula to construct if clause type 2, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause type 2 adalah: )

If + Simple Past, + Would / Could / Might + infinitiveorWould / Could / Might + Infinitive + if + simple past
Example of If Clause Type 2

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If I studied, I would pass the exams.
  • If you ate the pizza too much, you might sick.
  • Our teacher could angry if we didn’t remind him about exam.

If Clause Type 3

We can use type 3 to show condition that impossible to be happened or never happened.

(Kita dapat menggunakan tipe 3 untuk menunjukan suatu kondisi yang tidak akan pernah mungkin terjadi atau tidak pernah terjadi sama sekali)

If Clause Type 3 Formula

There is formula to construct if clause type 3, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause type 3 adalah: )

If + Past Perfect, + Would / Could / Might + have+ past participleorWould / Could / Might + Have +  Past Participle + if + Past Perfect
Example of If Clause Type 3

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If I had studied, I would have passed the exams.
  • If you had eaten the pizza too much, you might have visited the doctor.
  • My Dad could have become rich if he had won lottery.

Another Type of If Clause

There are several another type of if clause, such as:

(Terdapat beberapa tipe lain dari if clause, seperti: )

  • Type 0
  • If Clause + Reminder
  • If Clause + Sugesstion
  • If Clause + Imperative
  • If Clause + General Truth
  • If Clause + Dream

Let’s dig in!

(Mari pelajari lebih dalam!)

If Clause Type 0

We can use type 0 (zero) to show condition that fact or habit.

(Kita dapat menggunakan tipe 0 untuk menunjukan suatu kondisi yang berupa fakta atau kebiasaan)

If Clause Type 3 Formula

There is formula to construct if clause type 0, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause type 0 adalah: )

If + simple present, + simple presentorSimple present + if + simple present
Example of If Clause Type 0

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you are 17 years or older, you are allowed to drive a car.
  • If the sun rise on west, it’s mean world end.
  • If we don’t water the plant, they die.

If Clause + Reminder

If clause also can be used to give a reminder or warning to someone regarding the action.

(If clause juga dapat digunakan untuk memberikan pengingat atau peringatan kepada seseorang atas suatu tindakan)

If Clause + Reminder Formula

There is formula to construct if clause + reminder, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause + reminder adalah: )

If + simple present, + have to / has to / must + simple presentorhave to / has to / must + Simple present + if + simple present
Example of If Clause + Reminder

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you want to pass the exam, you must study seriously.
  • If I want to become a good children, I have to help my parent.
  • You must go earlier if you won’t come late.

If Clause + Suggestion

If clause also can be used to give a suggestion to someone in order to achieve something.

(If clause juga dapat digunakan untuk memberikan saran kepada seseorang agar keinginannya dapat tercapai)

If Clause + Suggestion Formula

There is formula to construct if clause + suggestion, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause + suggestion adalah: )

If + simple present, + should/ought to/had better + simple presentorshould/ought to/had better + Simple present + if + simple present
Example of If Clause + Suggestion

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you don’t wanna get sick, you should take a break and get some rest.
  • If you don’t wanna get lost, you ought to be with me.
  • You had better finish that homework if you don’t want your mom get mad at you.

If Clause + Imperative

If clause also can be used to make someone doing an action.

(If clause juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat orang melakukan suatu tindakan)

If Clause + Imperative Formula

There is formula to construct if clause + imperative, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause + imperative adalah: )

If + simple present, + V1 + ObjectorV1 + object + if + simple present
Example of If Clause + Imperative

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you don’t wanna be late, get ready soon.
  • If you don’t wanna get wet, get the umbrella.
  • Follow him on Facebook if you want to know him more.

If Clause + General Truth

This if clause only focus into the fact.

(If clause ini fokus kepada sebuah fakta)

If Clause + General Truth Formula

There is formula to construct if clause + general truth, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause + general truth adalah: )

If + simple present, + simple present / simple futureorSimple present / Simple future + if + simple present
Example of If Clause + General Truth

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If you boil water, it will evaporate.
  • If the sun rise on west, it’s mean world end.
  • If we don’t water the plant, they die.

If Clause + Dream

This if clause only focus into dream.

(If clause ini fokus kepada sebuah mimpi)

If Clause + Dream

There is formula to construct if clause + dream, as follow:

(Rumus untuk membuat if clause +dream adalah: )

If + simple present, + simple futureorSimple future + if + simple present
Example of If Clause + Dream

Now look carefully into the following examples:

(Perhatikan baik-baik contoh dibawah ini: )

  • If I have a lot of money, I will build a big house.
  • If I become a teacher, I will be a good teacher.
  • I will meet you there if I go to Singapore.