Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 2


Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Bab 2

Chapter 2: We can do it and we will do it.

In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

  • To state that we can do something
  • To state that we will do something

Lets start! (mari mulai!)

To state that we can do something

To state that we can do something, we can use “I can”

Example :

(Contoh: )

  • I can sing
  • I can work
  • I can study
  • I can learn
  • I can swim

Based on the example above we can conclude that general structure we must use :

(Berdasarkan contoh diatas kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa struktur kalimat yang harus kita gunakan adalah: )

S + can + v1S = Subject
V1 = Verb 1 (Kata kerja bentuk pertama)

That only for positive form.

(Itu hanya untuk bentuk positif)

While for negative form we can use:

(Sedangkan untuk bentuk negatif kita dapat gunakan: )

S + can + not + v1


(Contoh: )

  • I cannot work
  • I cannot swim
  • I cannot study
  • I cannot sing

For interrogative form we can use:

(Untuk bentuk pertanyaan kita dapat gunakan: )

Can + S + V1


(Contoh: )

  • Can you swim?
  • Can they work well?
  • Can he learn English?
  • Can you help me?

Now lets apply it into dialogue.

(Sekarang mari kita aplikasikan kedalam sebuah dialog)

Dialogue 1

Beni : Siti I think you can ask me the question in English.

Siti : Sure, I can.

Dialogue 2

Tini : Can you write down it for me?

Salsa : Sorry, I can’t.

To state that we will do something

To state that we will do something we can use “I will”.


(Contoh: )

  • I will learn
  • I will study
  • I will eat
  • I will sleep

“Will” in Bahasa mean “akan”.

That show something we will do in future but spontaneous action that we are not plan before.

(Will dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya akan. Itu menunjukan kita akan melakukan suatu tindakan di masa depan secara spontanitas tanpa kita rencanakan terlebih dahulu.)

Based on the example above we can conclude that general structure we must use :

(Berdasarkan contoh diatas kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa struktur kalimat yang harus kita gunakan adalah: )

S + will + v1S = SubjectV1 = Verb 1 (Kata kerja bentuk pertama)

That only for positive form.

(Itu hanya untuk bentuk positif)

While for negative form we can use:

(Sedangkan untuk bentuk negatif kita dapat gunakan: )

S + won’t + v1


(Contoh: )

  • I won’t work
  • I won’t swim
  • I won’t study
  • I won’t sing

For interrogative form we can use:

(Untuk bentuk pertanyaan kita dapat gunakan: )

Will + S + V1


(Contoh: )

  • Will you swim?
  • Will they work well?
  • Will he learn English?
  • Will you help me?

Now lets apply it into dialogue.

(Sekarang mari kita aplikasikan kedalam sebuah dialog)

Dialogue 1

Deni : I will study hard from now on!

Dodi : It is good!

Dialogue 2

Tini : Will you help me bring this book?

Salsa : Sorry, I can’t help you this time.

Dialogue 3

Nana : Will you read it for me?

Akbar : Sorry, I won’t. I am busy now.