Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 2


Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 2

Chapter 2: Let’s start our wall magazine!

In this chapter we are going to learn :

(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )

  • To state rules.
  • To give suggestions to do and not to do something.
  • To invite someone to do and not to do something.
  • To say agree and disagree.
  • To keep good interpersonal relationship.

Lets start! (mari mulai!)

To state rules

Rules in Bahasa mean aturan.

(Rules dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti aturan.)

To state rules for other we can use must and must not / musn’t.

(Untuk memberikan sebuah peraturan kita dapat gunakan must dan must not / musn’t).


  • You must wear uniform when go to school.
  • You must not run in corridor.
  • You must not walk in the grass.

Text example:

We must wear a uniform everyday.From Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt.The girls must wear a black skirt, and the boys must wear a pair of black pants.On Friday we must wear the Scout uniform.We must wear proper shoes.We must not wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.


Suggestion in Bahasa mean saran.

(Suggestion dalam Bahasa Indonesia artinya saran)

When we want to suggest someone to do something we can use should.

(Ketika kita ingin menyarankan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu kita dapat gunakan should)

In other hand, when we want to suggest someone not to do something we can use should not / should’nt.


  • You should visit doctor when you are sick.
  • You should not sleep in the class.
  • You should pay attention to the teacher.

Dialogue example:

Dialogue 1:

Tini: I feel sick today.Tono: You should rest a lot then.

Dialogue 2:

Udin: Tomorrow I got an English exam, I think I should study until late.Mom: You should not do that Udin. You must rest earlier so tomorrow you won’t late.


To invite someone to do or not to do something we can use word let’s.

(Untuk mengajak seseorang untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu kita dapat gunakan kata let’s)


  • Let’s go to the party together.
  • Let’s not playing here because dangerous.
  • Let’s visit portaledukasi!

Agree and Disagree

If you agree about other opinion we can use several words.

(Jika kamu setuju tentang pendapat orang lain kita dapat menggunakan beberapa kata).

Such as:

(Seperti: )

  • Agreed
  • I agree
  • I couldn’t agree more

In other hand if you disagree about other opinion, you can use:

(Sementara itu jika kamu tidak setuju dengan pendapat orang lain, dapat menggunakan: )

  • I disagree
  • Disagreed
  • I don’t agree


Dialogue 1:

Tono: I think student must come to school even Sunday.Sani: I disagree with you. Sunday is holiday!

Dialogue 2:

Nana: I think Portal Edukasi is great site.Salsa: I couldn’t agree more.