Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Bab 5
Chapter 5: This is How You Do It
In this chapter we are going to learn :
(Di materi ini kita akan mempelajari : )
- to get best results efficiently
- to avoid accident, damage, unnecessary waste
Lets start! (mari mulai!)
Procedure Text
In this chapter, main point of material is about procedure text.
(Di bab ini, inti dari materi adalah tentang teks prosedur)
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
(Teks prosedur adalah teks yang dirancang untuk menjabarkan bagaimana sesuatu dapat tercapai melalui beberapa langkah atau tahapan)
In this chapter specifically about recipe.
(Di bab ini lebih membahas tentang resep)
Such as reading ingredients and applying the method.
(Seperti membaca alat dan bahan serta mengaplikasikan langkah)
Please look into example recipe.
(Perhatikan contoh resep dibawah ini)
From the image above we know that ingredients needed is :
(Berdasarkan gambar diatas, kita tahu bahwa bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah: )
- 4 green apples, peeled, cored, and thickly sliced
- 1/4 cup / 45g self-raising flour, sifted
- 60g butter or margarine, cubed
- 1/2 cup / 100g caster sugar
- 1 1/4 cups / 300ml water
Can you read it well?
(Dapatkah kalian membacanya dengan tepat?)
If you confused, here the explanation.
(Jika kalian bingung, simak penjelasannya)
There stated 4 green apples, its mean we need 4 green apples.
(Disana tertera 4 apel hijau, artinya kita membutuhkan 4 apel hijau)
There stated peeled, cored, and thickly sliced. Its mean we need to peel them, core them, and then slice them thickly.
(Disana tertulis “peeled, cored, and thickly sliced”. Artinya kita harus MENGUPAS apelnya, MENGAMBIL BAGIAN DALAM apelnya, kemudian POTONG TIPIS TIPIS apelnya.)
There also stated 1/4, in orally we said a quarter instead one per four.
(Disana juga tertera 1/4, ketika diucapkan kita katakan “a quarter” bukan satu per empat, INGAT ini Bahasa Inggris bro!)
Sifted mean we need to sift it.
(“Sifted” disini artinya kita harus menyaring terlebih dahulu tepung tersebut)
So if you present the ingredient orally will be different pronunciation than a written text.
(Jadi ketika kalian mengucapkan bahan secara lisan akan berbeda dengan tulisan)
Full length sentence example :
(Contoh pada kalimat penuh: )
Written : 4 green apples, peeled, cored, and thickly sliced.
Orally : Four green apples. Peel them, core them, and then slice them thickly.
This also applied for the method.
(Hal ini termasuk ketika mengucapkan langkah-langkah)
What written, will be different with orally.
(Apa yang tertulis, akan beda pengucapannya ketika secara lisan)
Focus on bold part in the oral section and compare with written text, you will understand.
(Fokus ke teks yang ditebalkan pada bagian oral dan bandingkan dengan bentuk tulisan, kalian akan paham)
Example :
(Contoh: )
- Place apple in heat-proof dish. Place flour in a bowl. Rub in margarine using fingertips.
- Stir sugar and water (mixture should be lumpy). Pour over apples.
In oral will be :
First, place the apple in a heat proof dish. Place the flour in a bowl. Rub in margarine using your fingertips.
Then, stir in sugar and water. The mixture should be lumpy. After that, pour over the apples.